TVPaint Art Tips: Shortcuts

Week 1

Hi ya. In this post, I would share some TVPaint shortcuts that I have learned so far (since I really like to learn about the new programs but honestly TVPaint is a bit hard for me to learn)

The most used shortcuts like undo [Ctrl (or command for Mac user) + Z], copy [Ctrl + C], cut [Ctrl + X], paste [Ctrl + V], and save [Ctrl + S], are still the same.

Here are some new things that I’ve learned

TVPaint interface

TVPaint interface

Starts with the top menu bar, for me, custom panels is the most useful one. It is where you can create your own brush pack. Go to Custom Panels >> New Custom Panel. After you created the custom panel you can “right mouse click” on the custom panel, the menu will pop up. If you want to rename the panel: right mouse click >> This panel >> Rename. If you want to add your drawing to the panel to use it later: select the drawing >> right mouse click on the panel >> Grab current tool

To select the frame, click/hold the bottom of the frame (where the number of the frame is) then you can move the frame to the position that you want then you can select move or copy

Important Shortcuts

Alt + Left mouse click: Panning/Scrolling

Alt + Right mouse click: Zoom in/Zoom out

Alt + Ctrl/Command: Rotating canvas

“[“: Flip horizontally “]”: Flip vertically

Edit shortcut command

How to edit shortcuts

Go to ‘Edit’ on the menu bar >> ‘Shortcuts…’ or Ctrl + K. Then you can assign or reassign any command that you want. One of my recommendations would be to set “B” for the brush and “E” for the eraser.

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